Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Missing the Boat again...

I stumbled across a very interesting Article in the New York Times today...

"Europe Finds Clean Energy in Trash, but U.S. Lags Behind"

Would you rather have a Landfill in your Backyard or a well controlled waste disposal plant that not only reduces landfill use but creates Energy, heat and electricity.

This is something an area such as Jacksonville should be investigating, reduce landfill use, turn some of the waste into renewable energy, create a waste disposal system that actually pays for itself...

At a time where our City leaders are discussing a $750 Million extension for the Trailridge Landfill shouldn't we be looking to ensure that those 35 years are extended to 50 or 100 with an old idea that uses new technology...

To keep doing things "The way they have always been done" is just not smart or in our best interests...

Ps... Not to mention the "Trailridge Deal" is a bad deal by all accounts...

Pss... I haven't seen anything of substance from the 11 (at last count) Declared Candidates for Mayor however I sure hope we hear some innovative ideas that have merit from some of them, this wouldn't be a bad place to start...



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